Thursday, September 22, 2011


When you woke up today, did you think that today might be a day that changes your life or someone you are close to forever?  If you truly realize this, how do you live your life differently?  Will you cherish every moment?  Will you make every day count?

15 years ago today, September 22, 1996, my life was changed forever.  I had no idea that it was going to be changed so drastically when I woke up that morning.  All my dreams of what I hoped for my life were totally not reflected in the life I was living at that time.  In fact all of my dreams had recently crashed around me.

But God!

I had been dating a guy for 6 1/2 years and I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with them.  I had gone through a tumultous relationship and had split from this guy and spent 6 months in San Diego, CA when I went through a very difficult time which in turn brought me back to NJ.

I am sharing this story so that people can remember God's hand being on their lives because his hand was surely on my life and the man that would eventually become my husband.

I moved back to NJ and had been introduced to a mutual friend.  We became fast friends but totally had no inkling that we would eventually be together.  We talked about our relationships with other people but it became increasingly evident that we had become best friends and were not complete unless we were together.

So back to 15 years ago today, I went out with friends that night and this guy was there and we had both been talking to our family and friends about our feelings for one another but both of us were scared because we didn't want to ruin our friendship which had become very important to both of us.  We were afraid that if the other did not feel the same way that what we had would have been destroyed.

So long story short, we told each other how we were feeling that night on the way home and as they say the rest is history.

We started dating exactly 15 years ago today and are married for 13 years with three beautiful children and both serving God and walking with him.  Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!!!!

So here it is, I had no idea what was around the bend in my life.  I had no idea what was going to happen the day after, the week after, the year after or 15 years later.  For many of those years, I was not even walking with God or serving God.  However he had my life in the palm of his hand and he was totally in control.  I could never have imagined my life turning out the way that it has and I just want to give all glory to God for his hand upon my life and my husband, Corey.

Let me encourage you, if you are in a tough spot and you are feeling overwhelmed by life and you wonder if God is really out there and if he cares for you, let me tell you that he does.  Life may not be what you had hoped for or dreamed about but know that God is in control and he loves us so much.  Look what the Lord has done.....remember!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your remembrance with us. May God bless you both today and all the days to come. He has a special plan for your family, hang tight and trust Him.
