Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Living Beyond Yourself - Session 3

Greatest of These is Love

This session has been spent learning about the different kinds of love - Eros, Philos and Agape so that we can understand the fruit of the Spirit that is love.  I thought that this would be an easy session for me but I was quickly challenged to put it in to practice.

But before we get in to love, one thing that I thought was pretty interesting in the beginning of our study is how Beth Moore spoke about the fact that many people refer to the "fruits" of the Spirit.  She mentioned that the word is actually singular and that Galatians 5:22-23 speaks of one kind of fruit with nine different qualitites which we will be studying.  That really peaked my interest and made my realize even more that if I truly have the Holy Spirit living within me and I am truly living beyond myself and from the inside out that I would need to truly exemlify the fruit of the spirit in my life.

The first kind of love that Beth shared about was Eros which we all know to be physical or sexual love.  A couple of points that Beth made during this portion of the study really stuck with me.  The first is that physical love or sexual intercourse is to marriage what prayer is to our spiritual life.  Some might think that is crazy to compare the two but then she explained further that prayer is the hallmark of intimacy with Christ and sexual desire and fulfillment are the hallmarks of intimacy with our mate.  I would agree that this is true.

The second kind of love that was shared about was Philos which is generally defined as "the love one has toward a friend or companion".  In fact, the word can simply mean "friend".  A very important characteristic of philos is the adoption of like interests.  James 2:23 tells us that Abraham was a philos of God.  Does this scripture infer that God and Abraham were "chums"?  Hardly.  It teaches us that Abraham adopted God's interests as his own.

In 1 Peter 3:8, Peter challenges us to demonstrate brotherly love.  The Greek word for "brotherly love" or "love as brothers" is philadelophos.  It is a compound word formed from philos which means "friend" and adelphos which means "brother".  In essence, philadelphos means "to love a friend like a brother".  In particular, Peter is exhorting fellow Christians to love one another as if "blood related".  I thank God for my sisters in Christ that are so close that we love one another as if we are blood related!

The last kind of love is Agape love.  This is the one kind of love that I believe I truly understood the least amount until this study.  Agape is not much a feeling as it is a response.  We will discover that God commands us to agape.  He is not commanding us toward a feeling.  He is commanding us to surrender to an act of His Spirit which results in obedience.  Emotion may accompany agape, but emotion and agape are not the same.

Beth Moore shared 15 characteristics of Agape:
1.  First we learn that agape is PATIENT
2.  Next, in 1 Corinthians 13 we read that agape is KIND
3.  Third, Paul taught that agape does NOT ENVY
4.  Fourth, we learn that agape does NOT BOAST
5.  Fifth, we discover that agape is NOT PROUD
6.  Agape is NOT RUDE
7.  Seventh, we are reminded that agape is NOT SELF-SEEKING
9.  Agape keeps NO RECORD OF WRONGS
10.  The tenth charactertistic of agape is that it does NOT DELIGHT IN EVIL BUT REJOICES WITH THE TRUTH
15.  Agape NEVER FAILS

So some truths that I gleaned from our study that I wanted to share:

Agape is never without effect.  Agape is never in vain!  If we allow God to exercise agape through us, no matter how it appears, no matter what happens - whether the work of agape is in us as the giver, in others as the receivers, or both - it will never be in vain.  If God is calling upon you to love a very difficult person with agape, rejoice that your obedience will never be in vain!  Agape is always effective!

-  We are incapable of agape!  No matter how hard we try, we cannot exercise this kind of love.  We cannot love the unlovely.  We cannot love those who do not love us.  We cannot love those who have hurt us.  Agape is divine love.  Its only origin is the heart of God.  Agape is the love of God expressed through us to others.  Actually it is a response more than a feeling.  This is the way it works:

1.  we confront a situation in which God requires us to agape another person
2.  we admit to Him that we lack agape for this person
3.  we consider how God would personally respond to this person according to the Scriptures
4.  we act in obedience and respond as He would

Ultimately we are blessed to have been the vessel through which a holy God expressed His great love to one of His children.  Nothing else is like God pouring agape through you.  It may be the most difficult request God ever makes of us - and the most glorious privilege.  But it is absolutely impossible without a heart transplant.

Beth shared the following poem called "A Matter of the Heart".

I've arrived at a conclusion,
maybe one of life's rare finds
that there's not a lot worth salvaging
within this heart of mine.

It's ever ready to destruct
and lie above all things...
It tends to laugh when it should cry
and mourn when it should sing.

I've wasted countless hours begging,
"Fix this heart, Lord, please!"
while it stomps its feet, demands its way
and floods with sin's disease.

At last, you're able to get through
and lay it on the line:
"You must give you that heart of yours
and trade it in for mine."

So I cry out with the psalmist,
create within me, Lord
a new heart crystal clear
that only Calvary could afford.

A heart which pounds the rhythm
of heaven's metronome
and issues forth a boundless love
and beats for You alone.

I want to love that which You love,
despising what you hate
and see myself as least of these
oh Lord, retaliate

The efforts of the evil one
who seeks to make my plea
that of his own, "I'll make no move
til I've considered me."

Peel away my fingers,
finally make me understand
the power to love and please You
can't be found within a man.

So, my Lord, I bring this offering;
a stubborn heart of stone
And ask you, in its absence,
please exchange it for Your own.

What powerful words in a great poem!  Lord, I pray that this will be my life's cry!!!

When I read the question, how does God want you to respond to what He showed you today I was totally blown away by his revelation to me.  There were two people that God clearly showed me that I needed to show love and compassion to that I had not as of late.  Then as I was meditating on these words and realizing that it wasn't just about God's agape love for us but that he had commanded me to show agape love to others around me and then gave me the two names of people that I had to change my heart towards....a heart transplant!  Boy, was that difficult!  I realized it wasn't going to be easy!

In 1 John 3:11-24, the Word of God speaks to us that we must demonstrate agape love to others regardless of how we might feel towards them and even if they hate us.  The Word says that is we hate we are murderers and we won't make it to heaven.  That is a very sobering thought!

Verse 20 says "For God is greater than our hearts." (NIV)

So what is the relationship between the Holy Spirit and agape?

The Holy Spirit within us allows us to have agape love for those around us.

Some questions to ponder:

1.  In Christ, you and I are "blood relatives".  How should our kinship affect our relationship?
2.  What does Psalm 145:8 tell us about God's anger?
3.  Proverbs 13:10 says "Pride only breeds quarrels."  The last time you quarreled with someone, was any pride involved in your part?
4.  Read Psalm 119:29-32.  How would your life be different if you could wholeheartedly embrace the words and attitude of the psalm?
5.  Remember, God both told us He loved us and showed us He loved us.  How do people know you love them?  In other words, in what ways are you demonstrating agape?

Feel free to answer any or all questions or post your own comments.  I know God has really been speaking to me through this study....and challenging me!

1 comment:

  1. What really stuck with me and made me think was this line from the video on love:
    "Sometimes God lets us get rejected because He doesn't want me to except anything LESS than what He has ordained for me."

    How often do we get mad or sad with God because He doesn't give us what we (think) we want....when if we only knew the things He has planned for us!
