Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blaming God

Back on Feb. 18th, 2011, God had placed Numbers 11 on my heart to share with the MOPS ladies.  Then today as I studied Session 5 - Day Two of "No Other Gods" for Tues. Bible Study" I realized that it was all from the same passage of scripture.  I want to share some thoughts from that discussion back in February and see how it all ties right in to today's discussion.  God is so good!


List blessings or areas of our lives that we want God to change?  Are we really thankful?

What if your husband or someone you loved romantically was diagnosed with cancer and had six months to live?  What if it was you?  What if it was your child?

Why do we blame God?

What if he answered all our prayer requests the way we wanted?  Like the Israelites and the quail.  In the midst of God performing a miracle & sending manna from heaven, they are complaining.

What if we gave our children everything they asked for whenever they wanted?

Good things do happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.

Sign of maturity in walk with God - accepting whatever God's plan is.

Are you going through a test or trial right now?  Is God testing you to see if you will follow him and trust him?

When we focus on what we do not have rather than on what we do have, we tend to forget the hardships from which God already has delivered us.  Israel remembered the food, but forgot the slavery.  Grass is greener on the other side mentality.....not.

Prayer Journal - once a day or once a week, write down what God has done for you and your family.

Just as God blesses an obedient spirit, so he always judges a complaining spirit (1 Cor. 10:10).  No one can grumble & honor God at the same time.

Worshipping God - have you ever REALLY stopped to understand exactly what the words are to various worship songs.  I have a recommendation for you, next time just listen instead of singing and ask yourself do I really believe the words that I am singing.

Think of songs like "I Surrender All" - do you really?  (funny because God put that song on my heart before this past Tuesday's discussion and I played the song for the ladies in our discussion group but it had been on my heart back when I originally shared this word too)

How about the song "How can I keep from Singing" by Chris Tomlin?

I pray that you will be blessed and encouraged to stop blaming God when things don't go the way we might think it should go and remember all the good things that God has done in our lives.  I know that I have been in the situation that the Israelites found themselves in when they asked God for meat and he gave it to them but it became rotten in their mouths.  I have experienced where God has answered a prayer that I asked for but it became rotten and caused leanness in my soul.

God is in control and we need to put our faith and trust in him no matter what!!!!


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